Socket Event Forwarder Plugin for ARK Core

Socket Event Forwarder is an bridgechain plugin for forwarding real-time blockchain events through protocol. It is designed to be installed on a relay node. It was developed by Friends of Little Yus member @emsy. We use this plugin on all of our relay nodes for monitoring special blockchain transactions, events, and node status.
Plugin Source:

Table of Contents

    Installation on Compendia Blockchain Relay

    1. Add plugin to relay node.
      • cd ~/compendia-core/plugins && git clone
    2. Open plugin configuration file
      • nano ~/.config/compendia-core/realmainnet/plugins.js
    3. Add configuration to bottom of file
    "@foly/socket-event-forwarder": {
            port: 3333, // The port the socket server server will listen to.
            events: ['block.applied', 'transaction.applied'],  // Events you want to forward.
            customEvents: ['systeminformation', 'network.latency','blockheight.current'], // Enabled custom events
            systeminformationInterval: 5000, // Interval of systeminformation event
            networkLatencyInterval: 10000, // Interval of network.latency event
            blockheightCurrentInterval: 10000, // Interval of blockheight.current event
    1. BootStrap the plugin
      cd ~/compendia-core
      yarn bootstrap
    2. Open up port in firewall
      ufw allow 3333
    3. Restart relay and verify plugin loads correctly
      ccontrol restart relay
      ccontrol logs

    Updating Plugin on Compendia Relay

    cd ~/compendia-core/plugins/socket-event-forwarder
    git pull
    pm2 restart all

    Installation on Radians Blockchain Relay

    1. Add plugin to relay node.
      cd ~/core-radians/plugins && git clone
    2. Open plugin configuration file
      nano ~/.config/radians-core/mainnet/plugins.js
    3. Add configuration to bottom of file
    "@foly/socket-event-forwarder": {
            port: 3333, // The port the socket server server will listen to.
            events: ['block.applied', 'transaction.applied'],  // Events you want to forward.
            customEvents: ['systeminformation', 'network.latency','blockheight.current'], // Enabled custom events
            systeminformationInterval: 5000, // Interval of systeminformation event
            networkLatencyInterval: 10000, // Interval of network.latency event
            blockheightCurrentInterval: 10000, // Interval of blockheight.current event
    1. BootStrap the plugin
      cd ~/radians-core
      yarn bootstrap
    2. Open up port in firewall
      ufw allow 3333
    3. Restart relay and verify plugin loads correctly
      radians relay:stop
      radians relay:start
      radians relay:log

    Installation on Ark Blockchain Relay

    1. Add plugin to relay node.
      cd ~/ark-core/plugins && git clone
    2. Open plugin configuration file
      • nano ~/.config/ark-core/mainnet/plugins.js
    3. Add configuration to bottom of file
    "@foly/socket-event-forwarder": {
            port: 3333, // The port the socket server server will listen to.
            events: ['block.applied', 'transaction.applied'],  // Events you want to forward.
            customEvents: ['systeminformation', 'network.latency','blockheight.current'], // Enabled custom events
            systeminformationInterval: 5000, // Interval of systeminformation event
            networkLatencyInterval: 10000, // Interval of network.latency event
            blockheightCurrentInterval: 10000, // Interval of blockheight.current event
    1. BootStrap the plugin
      cd ~/ark-core
      yarn bootstrap
    2. Open up port in firewall
      ufw allow 3333
    3. Restart relay and verify plugin loads correctly
      ark relay:stop
      ark relay:start
      ark relay:log

    Plugin User Guide

    Not yet complete.

    systeminformation Event

          "release":"18.04.5 LTS"