Socket Event Forwarder is an bridgechain plugin for forwarding real-time blockchain events through protocol. It is designed to be installed on a relay node. It was developed by Friends of Little Yus member @emsy. We use this plugin on all of our relay nodes for monitoring special blockchain transactions, events, and node status.
Plugin Source:
Installation on Compendia Blockchain Relay
- Add plugin to relay node.
cd ~/compendia-core/plugins && git clone
- Open plugin configuration file
nano ~/.config/compendia-core/realmainnet/plugins.js
- Add configuration to bottom of file
"@foly/socket-event-forwarder": {
port: 3333, // The port the socket server server will listen to.
events: ['block.applied', 'transaction.applied'], // Events you want to forward.
customEvents: ['systeminformation', 'network.latency','blockheight.current'], // Enabled custom events
systeminformationInterval: 5000, // Interval of systeminformation event
networkLatencyInterval: 10000, // Interval of network.latency event
blockheightCurrentInterval: 10000, // Interval of blockheight.current event
- BootStrap the plugin
cd ~/compendia-core
yarn bootstrap
- Open up port in firewall
ufw allow 3333
- Restart relay and verify plugin loads correctly
ccontrol restart relay
ccontrol logs
Updating Plugin on Compendia Relay
cd ~/compendia-core/plugins/socket-event-forwarder
git pull
pm2 restart all
Installation on Radians Blockchain Relay
- Add plugin to relay node.
cd ~/core-radians/plugins && git clone
- Open plugin configuration file
nano ~/.config/radians-core/mainnet/plugins.js
- Add configuration to bottom of file
"@foly/socket-event-forwarder": {
port: 3333, // The port the socket server server will listen to.
events: ['block.applied', 'transaction.applied'], // Events you want to forward.
customEvents: ['systeminformation', 'network.latency','blockheight.current'], // Enabled custom events
systeminformationInterval: 5000, // Interval of systeminformation event
networkLatencyInterval: 10000, // Interval of network.latency event
blockheightCurrentInterval: 10000, // Interval of blockheight.current event
- BootStrap the plugin
cd ~/radians-core
yarn bootstrap
- Open up port in firewall
ufw allow 3333
- Restart relay and verify plugin loads correctly
radians relay:stop
radians relay:start
radians relay:log
Installation on Ark Blockchain Relay
- Add plugin to relay node.
cd ~/ark-core/plugins && git clone
- Open plugin configuration file
nano ~/.config/ark-core/mainnet/plugins.js
- Add configuration to bottom of file
"@foly/socket-event-forwarder": {
port: 3333, // The port the socket server server will listen to.
events: ['block.applied', 'transaction.applied'], // Events you want to forward.
customEvents: ['systeminformation', 'network.latency','blockheight.current'], // Enabled custom events
systeminformationInterval: 5000, // Interval of systeminformation event
networkLatencyInterval: 10000, // Interval of network.latency event
blockheightCurrentInterval: 10000, // Interval of blockheight.current event
- BootStrap the plugin
cd ~/ark-core
yarn bootstrap
- Open up port in firewall
ufw allow 3333
- Restart relay and verify plugin loads correctly
ark relay:stop
ark relay:start
ark relay:log
Plugin User Guide
Not yet complete.
systeminformation Event
"release":"18.04.5 LTS"